Simple and intuitive, it is the ideal app for those who want to practice the quizzes for obtaining the driving license of category AM A1 and B.After logging in, the quiz exercises can be carried out even without an internet connection (off-line).Here are some of the main features:MINISTERIAL QUIZ: the questions are created using exclusively the database of the Ministry of Transport updated to 2020MULTILINGUAL: each question can be viewed in Italian, French, German (official languages to take the exam). In addition, a translation into 10 other languages is available to facilitate understanding of the testsAUDIO SUPPORT: in each question there is the play function that allows you to listen to the reading of the questionTYPES OF CARDS: you can choose between exam simulation, by subject, my previous errors and personalized card by my teacherSTATISTICS: at any time you can check the progress of the errors made and their distribution for the various topicsREVIEW LESSONS: you can review the lessons taught in driving school on the most difficult topicsLESSONS RESERVATION: you can book your seat in the driving school to attend the lessonsSELF-INSTRUCTION: You can watch the official self-instruction video on how the theory exam will take placeEXAM SHEET: after taking the theory exam, you will find your official exam sheet with the wrong results and questions directly in the appDRIVING LESSONS: you can check, book and cancel driving lessonsPHASE 1 DRIVING EXAM: you will find a series of review slides on the most frequently asked questions for the first phase of the driving test